The Trust donates Laptop to Type 1 Diabetes Sufferer

At the Nikki Waterhouse Trust we are dedicated to help the children who require aid and make their life easier.

Ben Laptop donation 2

The Trust has recently helped Ben who suffers from Type 1 diabetes. Since his diagnosis, Ben struggled to cope with the illness over the past few years, especially when it came to testing and monitoring his blood sugars before each meal, adjusting his diet to maintain a healthy balance and a regular routine of insulin injections.

Due to Ben’s condition, he had to make regular trips to the hospital in order to submit his blood sugar results. This has limited his life in many ways.

Ben is concentrating on making his health a priority, and his family contacted The Nikki Waterhouse Trust to help him to cope. The Trust donated a laptop so that Ben can upload his test results online which will limit his hospitals visits and help him manage the day to day difficulties of living with diabetes. We wish Ben the best of luck and we all hope that this little gesture will make his life that little it easier.AuthorthenikkiwaterhousetrustPosted onLeave a commenton The Trust donates Laptop to Type 1 Diabetes Sufferer


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