In 2023 the Nikki Waterhouse Trust started working to help the Encephalitis International charity. If you are not familiar with them and what they do, it is a charity that provides help and assistance to young people who suffer from this condition. Every minute someone is diagnosed with the illness and is not something many know about. It is a condition and inflammation of tissue in the brain. It is rare and can be life-threatening. Most who suffer have loss of memory, behavioural/personality changes and Epilepsy.
Every year the Encephalitis International charity provide rest bite by providing a weekend away for them and their families. A chance to talk to other sufferers, relax and unwind.
Their website is
In 2024 we have been able to support this weekend again. Please see below a quote from a sufferer and what it means to them..
“Now we are home we all haven’t stopped talking about he weekend, the laughs and fun that we have had, what we enjoyed and the people we have met. Vicky has said that she would even go again and this is MASSIVE thank you. I have also seen a change in Vicky too. She seems more animated, more confident, she seems to have more energy (she keeps asking me “what can we do”) Vicky returns to school on Thursday and this weekend has helped her so much with her confidence. I haven’t heard her once say that she is worried about going back “
This makes our hearts happy and what the trust is all about.
We hope the team have the best weekend!